Michael Horton Mediaa.k.a. M Horton Media a.k.a. M H Media a.k.a. That little site that sells those great books... |
Catching the Winda screenplay about a strange time and place in historyby Pamela Walker1965: 1,500 students, most male, land in Scottsbluff, Nebraska (pop. 15,000)Goal: to attend Hiram Scott College, a $2,500/yr. "second chance" collegeIf it wasn't for Vic's Pizza Palace, "Scotties" probably would have burned the town down out of boredom. Scottsbluff had only one movie theatre and it played the same movie for two weeks. You had to be drinking age to go into places that had pool tables. Early students were housed in hotels, attending class in downtown business conference rooms. Meanwhile, the college was under construction in a cornfield outside city limits."Catching the Wind" isn't just about the students -- it's also about the "townies" (pioneer stock) and the influence of a different breed (cultured, eastern), especially on impressionable young girls. [For more background on the college, visit the following website: www.madknight.com/hsc]Copies of the Screenplay: $25 + $5 shipping (CA residents add $1.94 sales tax)Send payment (with a note that you want a copy of "Catching the Wind") to:MH Media